You're fading now, you've crossed the line.

Apr 17, 2005 09:18

After much prompting by Brandon and a handsome new color scheme for my ever-present journal, I'm updating, if only to reassure any potential readers that I did, safely and considerably comfortably, return home from the stinking garbage pit that is Athens a full 3 weeks ago. My overall opinion of that spring break excursion has exponentially worsened as I've looked back on the events of the trip, but I can't think of it too lowly. It did, after all, provide me with some damn sexy shoes, proven to be so with the recent compliment of a gathering of 40-year old women in the AMC 20 bathroom. I suppose, at the same time, it gave me a chance to solidify my opinions about a selected group of kids that I would likely have no other reason to meet. Ah well, hooray for travel. I can only await a late-June trip to Frankfurt in which I can finally realize my dream of clubbing and shopping, interchangeably, without the burden of visiting sleepy historical sites (because there is simply ZERO chance of toting me to a Nazi museum x_x). & plus, this event will provide me with the motivation I desperately need in order to keep from retreating permanently to my blasting stereo, sleeping away the afternoon.

In terms of school these days, things are turning out surprisingly well, despite my recent turn for the worse in terms of the aforementioned sleeping and social behavior. As long as I can drag myself through this last LESSTHAN2MONTHS, then I may be able to have the most relieving summer yet.

((I'd like to take this interlude to proclaim my adoration of underOATH.
[I surely will regret this in the upcoming months.]
Okay, my screamo boy in 2nd hour officially has respectable taste.
They're Only Chasing Safety is a brilliant album.
Now, to snag myself a precious t-shirt... Mmmm. ^-^))
ANYWAY. The actual purpose of my sitting myself down to write was to speak of Ghost World, which I saw sometime during the middle of last night. Since I must be getting to work again soon, I will attempt composing a drawn-out, Brandon-style review, but will also simply say that it wasn't really what I expected. I had hoped to enjoy it more than I truly did, but that doesn't negate the newfound appeciation I hold for it, a la Ebert, Mr. ****. Its central character, Enid, oozes with black humor (appealing particularly to me), and finds herself a black sheep among her intellectually-inferior peers. She is cursed with the realization that she is surrounded by idiots, and is thusly lonely as she remains in her high-school demeanor, even while those around her begin to carve out their own niche - however unoriginal and unspectacular-  within society. She finds her only solace in a man, Seymore, who, though unable to provide her with any kind of long-term relationship, helps her to gain the strength to push herself to move into the next phase of her life: adulthood. And, yes, I grasped the message of the film, and thought it quite hearty-chuckle-worthy (& not in a cute, horrid look-at-the-British-boy way) along the way. Still, the ending, which, nonetheless, in my opinion, was the only possible way to conclude the film, did not satisfy as I've been wanting for the past year or so. And so, I am still left on my quest to find meaningful films, which surely cannot be found within Kung-Fu Hustle (HAH! According to mini-summaries, it has a twinge of Tarantino, huzzah for Brandon!) but possibly in the new Gael Garcia Bernal movie featured on the front of the Sun Times movie page.

((I'd like to take a second interlude to proclaim that there is now a miniscule chance of me attending the underOATH show this Wednesday.
^____________^ yayayaya.
Screamo showwwwwwww. Cathartic emotional vomit, here I come!))

And now, it is long past the middle of the night and I must get working once again. However! I shall not leave without bearing a steaming pile of hilarity, with the help of dear Microsoft Paint and my Photobucket account.

lyke whoa, that's the stuff!

lala. bahhhhhh.


lyke whoa, that's the stuff!
I am finished now, for the next few weeks. My cd has been played 3 times in a row, and I'm still in love. Splendid! Hagfish time. ^-^

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