Won't let it slip like grains of sand.

Jan 21, 2005 02:28

[So I wrote the majority of this entry yesterday afternoon. GAGH. I need to post more entries IMMEDIATELY after I write them.]

Finals are over, thank all that is holy.

Math was successful, as was every other class, with the exception of dreadful Holt. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if I snagged myself something around a C on his unfair test. But -bows down in prayer- I shall never, ever speak with this man again, and for this I am grateful. I can only hope that a pack of viscious squirrels will nibble him all the way into the depths of hell.

But those are out of the picture, and Monday shall mark a new beginning - new lunch crowd, new teachers, new classes. Lunch, I am sure, will be more than acceptable, with its inclusion of Brandon, Kyle, and Livvi. This (on a totally unimportant note) will mean I must bring a lunch! -gasp- Except, of course... Brandon has already offered to give me bits and pieces of his lunch to save me this devastating responsibility. Score. As with teachers and classes, I've, obviously, yet to discover their benefits. Ah well, this grossly boring topic is for another time.

Besides the "long run" importance of finishing finals, today has another significance. Today, Brandon and I went dollarstoring for brilliance. "OOH! LOOK! Robot!" and any random object had already found its way into our basket. MMMMM.  And only 20 dollars spent on such brilliance (some of which was actually in a bottle)? This would be a superscore.

&edit- AND BRANDON'S HOUSE! -dances skankily- Mmmm, tv shows, silly string, electric globes? Ah, and yes, lovely Kyle. 'Twas quite the evening. UHHHHHHHH. -awkward finger point- Ohhhh, inside jokes = secksorific.

But now, unfortunately, it is the early, early morning of Friday and, accompanied by soft music, I must arrange Kyle's present for tomorrow's Elektra -meck!- excursion before I sleep myself.

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