Jan 04, 2008 23:27
Just thought I should put out a semi-public notice that the previous post along with previous hopes and plans are not going to be taking place. I did not in fact get the job at oak hill because there was no way to hire me around the already established rules. Basically, I couldn't be hired because I didn't have a 4-year degree and no loop holes were found to get me in. Even if I hadn't had a teacher's certificate I could have gotten the job with a 4-yr. degree. Go figure.
I had only gotten my hopes up because I had great confidence in my teachers who seemed to know that this was possible but things change and well, for me, it's not going to happen.
I've had this news for a while now actually. A week or so before Christmas. And what's more is that the opportunity fit into my life perfectly. It was like the puzzle had come together but apparently not. I feel like I'm more jaded for it. I'm getting so used to disappointments. One day something so good and unbelievable will happen and it will be so much more appreciated because I've been set up for it. Right? That's the bright side to this, right?
So.. all in all, I think I will enjoy my last hectic semester of classes without the stress of a full-time job. When I think about what it would have been like to have that job AND finish classes... in reality, I would have died. Yeah. Staying up late to finish homework, lesson plans, etc. Waking up before 6 to be ready for school. Rushing here and there to make it to GCSU classes on time. Yeah, I would have died. And yet, if I were offered the job Sunday night at 11 PM, I'd still take it. I'm just that stupid to love a challenge like that.
Oh, and side note:: If any of you are possibly interested in the stage managing job, PLEASE take it. I haven't talked to Mercier or Denise, but as far as I'm concerned, whoever wants it can have it. It's not hard work. Just "duh" stuff that has to be done before and after a performance. (But I've done it 2 years and am more than ready to pass it on.) Plus, it's nice getting that extra money during the semester.