(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 21:46

So yeah we got our grades back today on all our homework for AP Art that had to be done this summer and due the first day of school. I got up to 100% on them and the lowest grade I got on one was only a 91%!! ..thats pretty damn good! :) Yeah standards must be very low this year huh Analram?? ..considering she liked my art work.. and heyyy I don't see any of your art work hanging up because you won an award on it! Yeah maybe if you had a REAL talent in art you could say all that bullshit but I didn't see that much talent in your art work at the art show last year.. too bad I'm better then you on and off the ice! haha ..just face it! :)

....today we had our first day of 7th hour.. which sucked ass! ..I've been talking to Megan Ross's little sister Daniel a lot these past couple days and Nichole's sister too.. they're really cool. And then there always Mike, Jeremy, Monica, and my brother Darius! ...but other then that orchestra can kiss my nice round ass!! :)

..hmm what else... oh Saturday I'm babysitting Jack and Nick from 3 to whenever they get backe from some party later on that night.. and Kelly [jack & nick's mom] said if I wanted Sean could come too and help out so I can still hang out with him on my weekend off of school!! ..Shes so cool! I love watching her kids! ..and she pays really good too! ..Mostly with the gas prices now a days! I need as much money as I can get. And then Monday I'm going to meet Sean up at this REALLLYYYY nice golf corse for like a REALLLLYYY nice dinner with like all these rich ass people! haha Its gonna be so funny! And the dinners free for us! ..thats so sweet.. I'm going to be eating yummy rich people food Monday for dinner! ha me and Sean should act like we're really married too! lol ..

well thats pretty much it I guess for now.. ohhhh one more thing!! Almost forgot!!! Sean didn't have to work today so he made time and came to my lunch today!! :) I love those days!! ..ok well I'm gonna get going... probably draw for a little bit and then talk to Sean and go to bedddd!!!


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