Senior Year!! - So far

Sep 07, 2005 18:58

School has been going pretty darn good! ..I'm tired as hell though and I want to Graduate and be over with all this bullshit A.S.A.P.!! ..So far I like all my classes! ..Mythology and College Writing will be my hardest classes this semester. I mostly like my 1st hour and 5th hour.. 1st hour I have Drawing and Painting with Socks-Parker but she asked if I wanted to become her ad for the class instead so I don't have to do the same art work as everyone else.. I'll be working on all of my AP Art work instead 1st hour.. so as of tomorrow I'll be her new lab assistant/ad! And then duh 5th hour is AP Art.. :) so far so good.. everyone in that class seems nice.. even Jen [Marlana's friend] thats good - right? ..hmm what else is there?? Oh and I have A - lunch with Kadie and Kalyn!!! You know Kadie.. Sean's lil brother Kevin's girlfriend.. and then Kalyn is Sean's little sister!! So its like eating with my family pretty much at lunch. But I think we have too many freshmen in that lunch.. oh well. hmm thats pretty much it! Other then the fact that being the oldest again in school is weird!! I miss the older guys a year or two a head of us! ...But thank God this is my last year of high school!! :) Its gonna be fun though!!

...So Sean is taking two classes at OCC ..I think hes taking two math classes.. I kinda forgot.. but he has class Tuesday night from like 5:30-9:30 ..and Wednesday [tonight] from like 6-umm I think 9 again... not so sure.. you'll have to ask him about that one.

Man O' man I want the hockey season to start!! I miss playing soOo much and soOo bad!! ..I was talking to Brian Kalisher the other day about hockey and it made me miss it even more! ..The guys team sucks because they are already starting their fall tryouts TONIGHT!! ..Gosh I wish we would at least have some kind of practice soon! ..This year is gonna be so much better then the past few years!! ..I can feel it and I can't wait much longer! This is the first summer I didn't do anything for hockey!! Its crazy! ..

Well thats pretty much it I guess! ..Oh one more thing! We might be going back to Hawaii for Mid-Winter break! That would be soOo sweet! ...but ONLY if Sean can go!! If he can't then I don't care to go! I'll just go some where for Spring Break with Sean instead! ... ok well I'm gonna get going!


I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH SEAN MICHAEL MOFFITT!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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