Jun 09, 2005 13:04
uh well today was the last day of school.heckk yes.=)no more peg leg pacioni.
Name: LLea Nicole Bilan
Nicknames: lea bia..roboto..captian crunch..leo..enough said ;)
birth Date: May 16 1992
Current Location: a chair?
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: BLONEEEE =)
Righty or Lefty: right
Your heritage: white girl
Shoes You Wore Today: flip flops
Your Weakness: yyyour ggayyyyy?
Your Fears: death
Your Perfect Pizza: uh well nothing.i take everything off my pizza
Your Most Overused Phrase: fh; xhflf hg?
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: lets go back to sleep
Your bedtime: whenever
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: both
Single or group dates: one boyfriend
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: COKE
Cappuccino or coffee: coke
Smoke: No
Cuss: yep
Sing: in the car
Take a Shower Every Day: wtf.yea you sick fuck
Have a Crush: yep
Do You Think You've Been in Love: i guess
Want to Go to College: kinda
Like High School: lemme get back to ya ina few years.
Want to Get Married: yeahhhh
Believe in Yourself: sometimes
Get Motion Sickness: nope
Think You're Attractive: i think not
Think You're a Health Freak: yea right.this is lea nicole bilan
Get Along with Your Parent(s): sometimes
Like Thunderstorms: i dont give a shit?
Play an instrument: no
In the past month...
Drank alcohol: yea
Smoked: no
Done a Drug: no
Made Out: haha no.
Gone on a Date: no
Gone to the Mall?: yepp
Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos: no
Eaten Sushi: i live in america.not hong kong
Been on Stage: hm yea
Been Dumped: no
Gone Skating: at the rink
Made Homemade Cookies: idk how.stfu =[
Gone Skinny Dipping: no
Dyed Your Hair: highlighted it
Stolen Anything: yes sir.
Played a Game that Required Removal of Clothing: lmfaoaaooaoaoa. yea
If So, was it Mixed Company: lets use words i know
Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: ......
Been Caught "Doing Something": yea =X
Gotten Beaten Up: no
Shoplifted: yea =P
Changed Who You Were to Fit in: thats kinda gay ;)
Age You Hope to be Married: 20-22
Numbers and Names of Children: 3 - dickhead..fuckface..asswipe
Describe your Dream Wedding: on a beach
How Do You Want to Die: in my sleep
Where You Want to Go to College: who cares
What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up: whatever
What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: pejfbv?
In a guy/girl..
Best Eye Color: doesnt matter
Best Hair Color: anything but the red hair people.
Height: taller than me..not hard to find
Best Weight: not fat not to skinny
Best Articles of Clothing: abercrombie =)
Best First Date Location: dinner and moviee is cutee
Best First Kiss Location: 1st date
# of Drugs Taken Illegally: None
# of People I Could Trust with My Life: -0
# of CDs that I Own: go count urself
# of Piercings: 2 i want my belly buttonnn
# of Tattoos: i want 1
# of Scars on My Body: like 2?
# of Things in My Past that I Regret: dont get me started