Family Reunion - Part 3

Oct 25, 2010 19:02

Part 2 
Part 3

I woke up with a start when Theo jumped at my side.

“What?!” my fear woke up before my senses.

“They are coming!” he whispered, and crawled forward with his gun held ready. There were rushed footsteps above our heads, some commotion that unsettled us, we waited with our breath held.

After several minutes of curious noise that didn’t make any sense to me, the trapdoor crashed open… and I watched the shape of a familiar figure in the mellow morning light.

“Drop your weapon!” Theo shouted pointing the gun at Sayid. I jumped forward and put myself between them.

“Wait, I know him, it’s alright!” I said soothingly, then I turned to the Iraqi “What are you doing here?” He didn’t answer though but moved aside from the entrance, so I climbed the ladder quickly, jumped on deck right into Desmond’s arms! I didn’t have time to see his face, to get excited over seeing him, he wrapped me so suddenly in the warmest embrace. I clang to him with all my might, my heart racing madly,

“Des… you’re here… you’re fine…”

He released me just to take my face into his hands and look me in the eyes. He still wore his island beard, he looked deeply moved

“I’m fine? When they captured you? My little witch, you’re just as capable of getting into trouble out here too, aye?”

“But how did you get here? How did you find me?”

“Sayid managed. They are following us around… all of us. At least the ones we know of. Charlie and Claire went to Sidney, they seem to be fine. Sayid organized a security system for us… in case anything happens…”

“You mean you were following me around?” I asked frowning.

“You were… monitored. Like everybody else” he answered smiling. Then he got serious. “What happened, love? How did you end up here?” I looked around for the first time, we were in a small private port in the middle of nowhere. I could see small clumps of trees and a nice lawn that lead up to a place hidden by the thick shrubbery. Our boat was the smaller of two that rocked side by side there. Two limp bodies were lying on deck a few yards away from us, Sayid was occupied with tying them down.

“I don’t know, Des.” I answered shrugging. “They just started to shoot at me, and if it wasn’t for him, I would be dead” I answered and pointed at the guy who was standing right behind us. Des turned to him for the first time

“Well, I thank you then, brother…” but as his eyes fell upon Theo, the word got stuck in his throat.

“You said that right, brother” Theo answered and I couldn’t contend my amusement, I laughed out loud. Desmond stared at him frowning.

“What is this? Who are you?” he asked taken aback.

“We’ll have plenty of time discussing it, but we have to go now!”

Sayid came, he shot a quick look at Theo, but didn’t halt to process the facts, he said

“I actually agree with him. They’ll be here any second.”

Desmond took me by the hand and we jumped to land and then back on board of the other boat. The others followed without hesitation. In two minutes we were rushing back to the city riding the dark blue waves.

* * *

We were sitting in my brother’s Volvo, Desmond was staring blankly in front of him. They had a large explanation back on the boat, he was still in awe.

“I have a twin” he looked at me with large eyes.

“Yes you do” I said smiling.

“What am I going to do now?” he asked me.

“Get to know him, I suppose” I said slowly. That question rang in my head for a while… what are we going to do now?

“Why did you leave me?” I asked suddenly, my insides froze as I let all the pain of the last weeks flood me once more.

“I didn’t” he said bewildered.

“I never heard a word from you in weeks” I said painfully. “I thought perhaps… you went back to… England” I cursed myself as I still couldn’t utter her name.

“No! Becky… ” he slid his hand in my hair, I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch so much it almost hurt. “I couldn’t give up what we have for some dreams of the past, how can you think that?”

“But you didn’t even call… and you didn’t seem too sad to be apart” I said on the tone of an injured child.

“I wasn’t happy to be apart… but I was happy, because I knew what I was fighting for. I knew that it’s worth it. I told you I have to pull myself together first… I am nobody” when I rolled my eyes at this, he added “No, listen! I am literally nobody, I was declared dead, I had nothing. How could I meet your family like that…?”

“My family would welcome the man who saved their daughter like a dozen times” I said annoyed. “Com’on Des, you can’t disappear again!”

“That’s what I’m trying to say, if you let me…” he smiled. “That boat that we came on… it’s mine. Well, Hurley lent me the money… but I have my business now.”

“That means you are staying?”

“Well… I can’t be without you” he said seriously, looking me deep in the eye. I got lost inside of him.

Finally. I was home.

The End

lost, fanfic, desmond

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