Jun 21, 2011 00:55
So it's been quite a while since I've posted anything substantive here, and I don't think a lot of my friends even use this site anymore, lol.
Glancing through my old entries, I was quite angry and quite vulgar during high school, although I guess that was to be expected since I was still coming to terms with my sexuality. I'm still exploring certain aspects of it, but I definitely know that I have absolutely no interest in women :) Although I would like to continue talking about other aspects of my sexuality, I think it's best I don't go there >.>
Three relationships in the past six years. With the first guy, Nick, I was, in retrospect, completely incompatible with. The second guy, Robbie, was, and remains, an immature brat. And, as for Chad, maybe, if he and I were in better places in our lives, it would have worked out.
My tastes in music went from mostly rock centered to mostly pop and trance centered, with a significant contribution from most other things. I've also found that I enjoy going out to the "club", if anything in Michigan could even be called that, once in a while and dancing with people, although perhaps it was good that I didn't start that until after Robbie.
I've lost contact with a lot of my friends from high school and my first years of college, for various reasons. Helen and Jen went on to graduate school and moved away from Ann Arbor. Kristin moved to Pennsylvania and has since then become more religious, so it seems. A'Lisa moved to the middle of nowhere, making it rather difficult to keep in touch. Again, though, I guess this was to be expected, since I didn't make any significant effort to remain in contact with them, and my own views on life have become ... significantly more liberal, to say the least.
My work ethic is still non-existent. My self-esteem is still non-existent (despite being hit on by three rather cute guys and a creeper at the club last Friday). There is also one guy, Derek, who has explicitly stated he would be interested in dating me, another, Jason, who I am almost certain would also be interested, and a third guy who I think is slightly interested, but whose name I don't even know because I can't seem to grow a pair of balls to ask him.
I really need to start working on my work ethic. And I should probably start seriously thinking about if I would be happier living somewhere else.