A Reblogged Post From Tumblr: They Don't Listen to Music Like We Do
Sep 26, 2010 10:24
The ones who don’t have their hands up enjoying the concert.
The ones who aren’t grooving with the basslines.
The ones who aren’t singing along with the artist.
The ones who aren’t at the local record store digging through thousands of vinyls looking for that one record that they must have to add to their collection.
The ones who don’t educate themselves on the history of their favorite genre of music.
The ones who aren’t next to the stereo at a party looking thought the selection playing music for every one.
The ones who aren’t nodding their heads vibing to the music.
The ones who aren’t afraid to like something not on a top 40 playlist.
The ones who don’t get excited and turn up the volume when they hear their favorite song play on the radio.
The ones who don’t have headphones on listening to Nas’s Illmatic album trying to drown out the noise of the other kids on the schoolbus.
The ones who, when asked “what kind of music do you listen to?” reply with some generic answer like “everything but country” because they don’t have an open mind and they don’t consider that they might actually like a little country if they gave it a chance.
The ones that don’t get that feeling every time they listen to music.
The ones that don’t have a clue what good music is….no, they don’t listen to music like we do.