Aug 18, 2004 18:08
1) Spell your first name backwards: ffets
2) The story behind your nickname: take one guess
3) How old: 18
4) Where do you live: tyre
5) 4 words that sum you up: weird,random,waster,bum
6) Wallet: powerpuff girls
7) Hairbrush: use comb
8) Toothbrush: purple battery operated..moving up in the world so i am
9) Jewelry worn daily: wrist band, watch, earings, rings
10) Room: purple, posters, double bed..yus!
11) Blanket: purple
12) Coffee cup: depends which one i grab in the morning
13) Sunglasses: black audry hepburn style
14) Underwear: shorts style
15) Shoes: slippers hehe
16) Handbag: not wearing one now
17) Favorite top: ohh too many to say
18) Favorite pants (trousers): levis
19) CD in stereo right now: longview
20) Tattoos: 6
21) Piercing: 5
22) What you are wearing now? tshirt and cut offs
24) Makeup: none
25) Something that you are deathly afraid of: spiders leprauconshhh (can't spell that evil word)
26) Do you like candles: yup
27) Do you like hot wax: never really thought about it
28) Do you like incense: yeah
29) Do you like the taste of blood: nope
30) Do you believe in love: yup
31) Do you believe in soul mates: probably
32) Do you believe in love at first sight: dunno
33) Do you believe in Heaven: nah
34) Do you believe in Hell: nah
35) Do you believe in forgiveness: suppose
36) Do you believe in God: nah
37) Do you believe in the Devil: nah
38) What do you want done with your body when you die: cremated
39) Who is your worst enemy: hmmmm...
40) School: whit?
41) Blank spot, to annoy you: okay
42) Eyes: green
44) Siblings: sis
45) Ever Been So Drunk You passed out: many times
46) Missed School Because It Was Raining: nope
47) Set Any Body Part on Fire for Amusement: nope
48) Kept a Secret from everyone: yes
49) Had an Imaginary Friend: nope
50) Wanted To Hook Up With a Friend: yup
51) Cried during a Flick: yup
52) Ever *Liked* a Teacher: one guy who looked like he was in the strokes
53) Ever Thought An Animated character was hot: trent from daria
54) Ever Prank Called Someone: yup
55) Been On Stage: nope
56) Shampoo: herbal essences
57) T.V. Soap: hollyoaks
58) Colors: purple
59) Day/Night: night
60) Kind of music: too many different styles
61) Lace Or Satin: lace
62) Cartoon Character: captain murphy from sealab
63) Dance: emmas smoke machine dance
64) Have a bf/gf: lloyd =)
65) Love anyone: yes
66) Who's The Loudest: ashley
67) Who's the Shyest: matt
68) Who Do You Go to For Advice: emmajo,lloyd
69) Who Do You Cry With: myself except the odd drunken cry
70) Been Mean: yup
71) Been sarcastic: yup
72) Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: yup
73) Missed Someone: yup
74) Hugged Someone You Liked: yup
75) Fought with your parents: yup
76) Wished Upon A Star: nope
77) Laughed Until You Cried: many times
78) Watched A Sunrise/Sunset: yup
79) Are You Happy: kinda
80) Are You Talking to Someone Online: nope
81) What was your youngest crush: emma knows...not gna say
82) Have your friends ever been mean to you: yup
83) The Big Bang Theory: whit?
84) Who Named You: eh my parents maybe
85) When Was The Last Time You Showered: today
86) What is right next to you: mobile
87) What Is Your Computer Desk Made of: wood
88) What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your Phone #: pointless
89) Ate/Drank: water
90) Saw at the cinema: f 9/11
91) What will Your First Son's Name Be: josh
92) Daughter's Name Will Be: dunno
93) Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in person: person
94) Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport: looks fun
95) Blank Spot to annoy you: gets old fast
96) Do You Want Your Friends To Do This And Send it back:
97Getting bored: yup
98) Where is the truth: whit?
99) What kind of mood are you in right now: bored
100) how much time did you spend on this quiz (so far): 10 mins
101) why did you fill this out: bored