(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 02:37

Computer died on me last Thursday. The utter bastard. And now I have it back, which means I can lay off reading books as if I was on some kind of binge. But then I am going down to Leeds on Friday morning and coming back late on Monday and my laptop's heavy... so more books. XD Thing is I have no idea what to read. I want a detective story with two main characters (you know, Poirot-Hastings, Holmes-Watson, Dalziel-Pascoe, Alleyn-various, that kind of thing) but it looks like I've run out (there are still two novels by Ngaio Marsh I've not read yet, but I'm saving those for a Black Day). Aaargh. Not cool.

Spent the day doing nothing but watching Dalziel and Pascoe TV series. God, I love it, but season 7 feels so utterly utterly wrong. Not bad, just wrong.

P.S.: Due to the overdose of Reginald Hill, I'm scared of going to Leeds. I'll be grinning like a damn fool on the train, I know it. What can I do? I love Dalziel and Pascoe. I LOVE THEM. XD

wtf, books, movies

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