Osterman-Tolstoy at Fili.

Jul 16, 2009 18:36

This painting by Kivshenko represents the military council held at the village of Fili right after the Battle of Borodino. It was there that the decision to abandon Moscow to the French was made. Kutuzov had summoned his principal generals to it and though most of them opposed the abandonment of Moscow, and in fact proposed to attack Napoleon's forces, he ordered the retreat. Famously one of the Generals that did support his idea was Count Osterman-Tolstoy who, according to some sources said: 'Moscow does not constitute Russia: our purpose is not simply the defence of the capital, but the whole country, and for that the main object is preserving the army.'

In the Russian 1967 movie "War and Peace" when the scene opens at the council in Fili, the whole set-up copies this painting almost exactly.

Count A. I. Osterman-Tolstoy is the fifth from the left, the one who is leaning back against the wall by the window. I absolutely love the way he is placed in the painting, with the sunlight almost giving a sort of glow to him. (Yes, I am a fangirl! XD)

Click the painting for a bigger version. :D (So you can see pretty Count Osterman-Tolstoy better. ^_^)

From left to right:

Standing behind the chair - General Kaisarov, adjutant.
Sitting on the chair - Kutuzov, Commander-in-Chief of all Russian armies.

On the bench by the window:

Konovnitsin, commander of the 3rd infantry corps
Raevsky, commander of the 7th infantry corps
Osterman-Tolstoy, commander of 4th infantry corps

Under the icon - Barclay de Tolly, commander of the 1st Army
Uvarov, commander of the 1st cavalry corps
Dokhturov, commander of the 6th infantry corps
Standing - Yermolov, prior to Borodino, Chief of Staff of the 1st Werstern Army; after Borodino - Chief of Staff of both 1st and 2nd Armies.

On the bench, facing away:

On the right - Toll, Chief Quatermaster of all active armies.
On the left - Bennigsen, briefly Chief of Staff of all active armies in 1812, then occupied various posts. until the death of Kutuzov in 1813, when he was chosen as his replacement.

military, napoleonic wars, russia, osterman, movies, pics

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