Mar 04, 2009 09:58

Oh my GOD. Oh my GOD.

The HORROR! Connor & Cordelia! CONNOR & CORDELIA!!

Pardon me while I go ewwwwwww!

How is this? Why is this? I mean, the world is ending and you want to make CONNOR happy? What about making ANGEL (Angel who is perennially *sad*) HAPPY?

Joss Whedon was either stoned out of his mind, or he just really, really likes messing with Angel's head. Can Angel's head be messed with anymore, even? It's like he should either give up and become asexual or turn to men. Because every woman based liason just seems to end in his mopey-face. I hate Angel's mopey-face.

I mean, first Buffy. I-heart-you but then I realise that I'll like Riley to spite you Buffy. Plus the whole Angel turns into Angelus schtick couldn't really have helped much. So then we come to Cordy, who goes from OhGodCordelia to MyDearestFriend!Cordelia. I liked that Angel had a bud, I really did. But well, now that's down the crapper.

Oh and who could forget Darla? Crazy, evilBitch!Darla who:
(i)Turned him
(ii)Made him do the whole evil!Angelus thing which comes to bite him in the ass at the most inopportune moments!
(iii)Felt him up while he was *asleep* and generally drove him towards a never ending spiral of despair...

And then there was the whole Connor who hates his dad to pieces thing. As if that wasn't enough. Now it's all so ewwwwwwww! Poor Angel.

*Huggles Angel*

Damn but that show makes me sad sometimes. :(

david boreanaz, angel

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