I think the writers finally got it right in this one.

Jan 10, 2009 20:03

Fire in the Ice was by far one of the more superior Bones episodes of season 4. In fact it's right up there with Conman. I love how defensive Booth is whenever confronted with his old man, and that the only person he is willing to confide in is Brennan. Time after time.

The writers should give Sweets more spine though; he has a duty to perform, and I very much doubt he would let Booth off that easily verbally. He might give Booth the signed form out of respect for him as a person, but he'd still finsish the interview. I LOVE how stern he was with Caroline! And how he immediately made the connection with Booth's history of violence. Booth is a controlled aggressor, but he can get all Tyson on someone's ass especially if it is to protect someone he has taken under his wing.

Hodgins / Angela:
RESOLUTION! Ish anyway. FINALLY, I think Hodgins has finally gotten over the post-Angela breakup hate, / misanthropy and has taken up a social life :) And was gentleman enough to admit there was no "getting out of the barn"; and wasn't a jerk simply for the sake of rubbing it in her face. Yay Hodgins!

Booth/ Brennan:

WHOA! I admit I was a bit disappointed when Brennan did not immediately silence the 'twinkle' queries. There is to be NO Booth-eyeing, IF you please! UNless you'er Bones of course. But then the writers made it all better, with her cute oblique, "I won't work with another FBI agent but you". And I like that Booth ses through it, and even hints enough to say that even if he was considering a romance with random FBI lady, he's definitely abandon it for her :) Whee!

Also, did anyone love that Cam was eyeing the body and didn't believe Booth would drown someone? He totally wouldn't! He'd go all bam-bam-bam or shoot him point blank (based on the magnitude of the crime) and totaly give himself. Seeley Booth has respect for the LAW. I love Cam.

The Boris/Natasha thing kinda sucked a little (I think everyone has satisfactorily covered the unflattering tights they had David Boreanaz wear, although the eye makeup was kinda hot :P ). That hadn't much character development for either of them, and was very lame case-ish... And I'm not even going to get into WARNING the main suspect here about his legal rights...

All in all, despite the writers neglecting Sweets (I like him, they need to get more into his mom being a carnie and him being adopted. I'm pretty sure he looks at Booth as an older brother). Also Brennan - what is with her, I get she sucks at non verbal communication. Even if you are in denial about liking someone, she would DEFINITELY have felt a "twinge" ; as Hodgins so eloquently put it, about Agent Blondie. Hey, just realied she's blonde and take chargie, like Booth likes!

Interesting. Maybe they'll bring Sully back and have Booth involve with her as a jealousy thang. NICE :D Oh, and the writers finally read some fanfic AND MADE BOOTH A SUSPECT! That thread was pretty readily snapped, I'm sad to say (Id have loved brennan gets defensive on Booth's behalf, sucker for Protective!Brennan) but still, pretty cool.

Looking forward to more (especially the return of Brendan Fehr as Jared), despite the timing heebie-jeebies.

general, boreanaz

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