(no subject)

Dec 17, 2008 20:58

Yeah, so I saw my first ever episode of Angel.

It's weird, because for a really long time David Boreanaz was 'that guy who plays Angel and is kinda cute'. But aside from that, I was like Buffy? Meh.
I'd seen the original movie when it had come out, and I was used to Kristy Swanson as the slayer; so Sarah Michelle Geller was kinda not-so-much for me.

But David Boreanaz (even though I prefer him as Booth), even with the blonde spiked hair just oozez ze sex appeal. As a show, I forgot how old it was, but yeah, despite Corelia being annoying, I could get on the bandwagon. That and I'm a huge sucker for angsty, picking-up-the-pieces kinda romances, so Angel/Buffy was the only reason I even saw the ONE ep of Buffy that I have (plus she tries to kill Angel in the end so guess who never saw the ep after that weird stake/fire thingy scene?)

Here's to a season 1 marathon and lots and lots of David based goodness!!D

general, david boreanaz

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