Tony/Pepper Doodle

Sep 15, 2008 08:30

Pepper looked at the reminder on her blackberry (not that she needed any reminding, this meeting had been at the forefront of her mind all day). She slipped on her bluetooth headset, deciding to call Jenny Marsden to confirm the meeting as she went down to hustle Tony out of the shop. She didn't care what excuse he thought up, what maddeningly cute face he made.

She walked in and saw the lights were dim. "Tony?" she said, looking for him. Where is he? she thought, exasperated, he'd better not be planning on giving me some 'mission' schtick like last time. And that was when she saw him. He didn't look like he was going to make any excuses or pull a cute face. Far from it, in fact. Pepper looked at him and sighed; torn between shaking him and smiling.

She smiled, of course.

Poor Pepper. She can never win, what with her being a sucker for all things Tony :P

(Btw, the stuff next to Tony's head reads 'sleep deprivation' :P, my writing sucks beyond anything....)

fanart, tony/pepper, iron man

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