ACBB2016: Rise Up Like the Sun Art Masterpost

Sep 08, 2016 11:14

Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Summary: Future dystopian AU. With the ruling class steadily crushing all resistance, Arthur has little chance of survival when he is cast out of the Fortress. Aboveground, all Merlin wants is to keep his friends safe, even as all hope of an end to the war steadily dies inside him. In each other, maybe both will find the haven they've been looking for.

Notes: First time at the ACBB and I get my favourite trope: an Arthur h/c loaded fic where I actually get to draw Merlin. Washing. Arthur's. Hair. Yes, can you tell how much fun I had with that? Not to mention dear old Morgause, who I really wish I drew more. A massive thanks to
side_steppings for her patience, especially when RL swamped (and continues to swamp) my fannish life - and for being extra chill with my endless questions. Last, but not the least, shoutout to the ACBB fest organizers who get people together to create fic and art for this ancient show which I continue to love <3

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arthur/merlin, fanart, acbb2016

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