Short, short, terribly short mid-term break next week.
Of course, I must list the things I want to do for my sanity's sake, because once this "break" is done, I won't be having another one till end of December.
So let's start with.. Homework-no-can't-escape
1) A2 Collage representing dreams and reality. Where do I get those London brochures damnit
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Yep, I've watched all the new season episodes so far, except the Rocky Horror one (plan on watching it today, actually. I'm a bit scared, tbh, I love Rocky Horror Picture Show and really don't know how it fits with Glee... But it could as well be amazing, so can't wait to see it. I have my hopes up :D). Anyway, I wholeheartily agree, Kurt-centric apisodes are so much more interesting than the ones that focus on ~Rachel/Finn romance~. The tearjerker one with Kurt's dad in the hospital totally got me a bit... off-guard. Might have been tearing up a little during I Wanna Hold Your Hand haha. 8D Kurt'd better get a bf this season, there are enough storylines about hetcouples already, getting a bit bored with them already. x___x
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