Sep 11, 2010 23:31
Dear internet life,
I'm in a very dark place right now and I'll post something more meaningful when I do see a flickering light at the end of the tunnel. Most of you probably would know why because I'm bringing home with me a weekend-load of assignments, presentation, book review, readings, still life, architecture, self-portrait, line and lots of lines practices to do. I can't even begin to imagine what life will be for the next few years to come.
Apologies for whining on twitter, being all dramallama and all that. Sorry for not replying your tweets or commenting on your lovely posts, and not doing so has probably add up to my list of withdrawal symptoms, which means that I'm becoming a very unhappy, grumpy little fangirl.
Going off to watch the series finale of ATWT and watch Reid die. So I can mourn and grieve about everything that's dark in my life now and the pointless death of another adored character. Bye.
state of mind: emo!ella,
state of mind: frustrated!ella