Cut a bitch NOOWWW.

Aug 03, 2010 22:15

Sometimes I get so appalled by the lack of cutting/handicraft skills I possess.

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tv show: doctor who, wtf?!, state of mind: dorky!ella, ella is a sy-fy dork!

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le_purestatic August 4 2010, 16:36:10 UTC
Aqwww! Don't worry about it. Your Tardis can't possibly look any sadder than mine. 8D;; AAND, jaayzzus. What are you on about?! How did summer just begin for you when you were zapping places to and fro for the LOOOOONGISH period time which seemed forever?! Ha! ha.

Unlike me! Stuck here as usual. ><; But it has been a GREAT holiday for me cuz I was busy converting my sister into a Whovian and have successfully done so. YEAY. (Except she fits into a certain category of NO-NO Doctor/Rose and (Y) Doctor and Donna (Y) Plus, she doesn't give a toss about River! Sounds familiar doesn't it XD. Someday, someone should do a social science study behind Who!fans and the categories they - ok, I should probably stop myself from geekzing. psh.

I have my hey-I'm-actually-a-seven-year-old moments I need to buy some new pens and pencils and pencil case and everything needs to be ~new and shiny~

OMG. THIS. so much. Hence, I'm quite looking forward to stationery & laptop shopping before school term starts.... in 3 weeks! (Looks like we're going to dive right into it at the same time) New and shiny toys would do so much good for our psyche, even if it is just for a few good seconds of novelty. ;____; hmhmhm.

I'm SO hooked onto Glee and I should probably get another episode started. And you were absolutely spot-on about the description you gave me about Glee awhile back. I'm on Episode 12 now and I think it is getting more awsm with focus on other chars. Not just the constant-back-and-forth-incredibly-heteronormative-love-quadrangle-of-Finn-Quinn-Puck-Rachel (Sorry if I misspelled) But I'm quite tired of the same old tunes between them, I want more Kurt! and the other kids as well. :DDDDDD (I'm not biased! I'm not!)

DDOOONT spoil meeeeeee. :P I know he gets together with Finn. ORISIT!? ORELLY, I JUST CAN'T SEE IT. NOT NOW. but I shall wait, quietly, patiently.... with little to none expectations up in that ever-hopeful head of mine. In the meantime, I will try to distract myself with the other het!ships going on with the rest of the people. ha, ha. hm. yea. :|


eatmybeat August 5 2010, 19:46:49 UTC
Haha, I'll post a pic of my Tardis for you when it's ready and you'll SEE yourself that it probably turns out looking just as sad as I'm expecting :D (I actually printed it out already, now I just have to actually build it and ta-dah!)

I have no idea why it feels like the summer went more quickly than ever, it was such a shock to realise that no wait, it's AUGUST already and the summer holiday is actually just about to end. I guess it might actually be because I kept travelling around all the time. My summers so far have usually included mostly looots of movie and tv watching and lots of free time in general, but this summer... not so much. Not as much as usually anyway. And now I'm so broke it's not even funny, lol.

And yay for you converting someone into a Whovian! 8D You watched all the seasons yourself as well? I love how watching DW episodes over and over is perfectly normal for you too :D For me it's one of those shows of which episodes I randomly rewatch every now and then and they never seem to get boring. Right now can't recall any other show that'd work like that for me. And I'm all for a social science study behind Who!fans to see if River bashing, anti Rose/Doctor shippers really are such a majority as they seem to be. Ahemmmm excuse my geek!mode XD

Haha YES, new and shiny is your way of self-motivating as well :D Speaking of which, I just might have bought an eraser so cute I don't know if I'm capable of actually using it to erase anything at all XD You know those aliens with three eyes from Toy Story? It's one of those, I knew I had to had it right after I saw it, lol. Now I'll be all happy and motivated with my ~new stuff~ for about... two days.

And oh you've watched so many eps of Glee already, you're being fast! (And by the time I'll post this comment you've probably already watched a few more :D) And the Finn-Quinn-Puck-Rachel thing gets very boring very fast. Thus is why the other kids getting more screentime in the latter episodes is a very nice change. Who are your fav characters so far btw? 8) I won't say anything else to avoid accidentally spoiling you, haha...

Love your new(ish) banner with a pic+quote from the Planet of the Dead btw, the quote just about sums up one of the reasons why I love DW so much. Plus, it's very pretteh as well!


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