Lukas Podolski, you have to seriously stop acting so freaking adorable all the time because we have to give most adorable awards to your other teammates as well and it doesn't help that you snatch them away all the time.
hello your super amazing megawatt smile. always so infectious, always so omnipresent. You, Poldi, my dear. Gives a lot of material for us to squee about. Thank you.
Bastian Schweinsteiger, Why do you always have to be such a darling, such a big heart to everyone?
Making sure Stevie's ok, chatting with Lampsy while being shirtless, checking out on Becks.
and of course, Germany. I don't know what you guys do to me. Me losing my presh sleep hours, turning up to work SCHWLEEPY AND DISTRACTED. I didn't even care about football for 2 years. I swore I cut off all allegiances with it, but these boys, they always manage to suck me back in. le sigh.