The unquiet mind meets the quiet genius.

Jan 25, 2010 01:22

I think I have an obsessive compulsive behaviour towards formatting, full stops, spacing, centre alignment, other minor stupid things when it comes to microsoft word. I just saw ONE full stop inconsistently out of place, felt insanely affected by it, deleted it and sent for re-submission again. then it was like a wave of relief afterwards. O____O same feeling when I stop a blinking air conditioning light, hide a constantly ticking alarm clock into a drawer and among other stupid things I get psychologically affected by. sometimes, I get this feeling I'm gonna end up in IMH one day. Cuz images and sounds that annoy me BUT not other people can really plague my mind for days.

YAY, Arts facilities project down (individual proposal to program events!! fun to do),  left one more to go before graduation. Snow City proposal. jajaja, that one like utter shit can. Only me and fiya in the team are doing work. SHL students are no good fer nuthing. All so lazy and un-initiative. I don't like people who sit around and do nothing. Who the hell does?

I just tried multi-recording on the violin today. found out my video editing skills suck... One day I will master the split-screen effect used in 24. but now, forget it, I suck. not much of a song here. just two tracks of violin recordings merged together.

hobbies: ella's violin concerts, school

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