It's so easy to forget the good times when your child is screaming their head off and you have a splitting headache.
Yesterday Ella started the day off quite bad and it just seemed to get worse, so as she always seems to calm down with the motion of the car, we hopped in and drove, didn't know where we were going to end up we just drove. We ended up going for a drive all the way to Mannum and then round to Murray Bridge and back home. A good four or five hour drive. It kept her happy though.
Not even two hours after we were home though she started up again, worse than before. We tried everything and the only thing that seemed to keep her remotely quiet was walking around constantly. As you can imagine there is only so much walking you can do before you can do before you really need to sit down and it gets quite boring walking around the same four walls. I then suggested that we take her for a walk in her pram, even though it was late and dark. The minute that her body hit that pram, she started again. We tried though but halfway down the street even I was feeling cold. Even though I had rugged her up I felt it was still too cold for her to be out, so we turned around and headed back home, with Ella crying all the way.
So we hopped back in the car and went for another drive. When we got to Hallet Cove she was asleep, thank the stars. So we decided to take her home and try to get her out of the car and put her to bed without waking her (never mind the fact that we got lost for around an hour on the way).
As you can imagine getting a sleeping baby into a car and getting a sleeping baby out of the car are two totally different things. So she started again but at least this time she was really sleepy so a bit of rocking and she was back to sleep.
We then literally collapsed into bed. What a day. But then this morning that I woke up to that smile and realised it was only one bad day out of many good ones, plus who can resist her gorgeous grin.