All right, so I got lazy with LJ. Bite me.
To summarize! Everything is Sherlock fanart except for one on the left...lovely Dean from SPN!! <3 Castiel is up next. ;)
Also, the last on the right is fanart for
Boston Marriage by
pendrecarc . It's a really, really fantastic case!fic that was written for the Sherlock bigbang, and the best genderbent!Sherlock fic I've read so far. GO READ.
I think this is a good development. It used to be that I would let my (holyfuckexpensiveasHELL) tablet gather dust for weeks, but, thanks to fanart/obsessive fangirling, I AM NO LONGER PERPETUALLY ART-BLOCKED. HURRAH. Sure, it's still a load of crap, but at least I'm getting a lot of practice in.
I would love to stick around and chat, but I just finished blazing through the last season of Supernatural (*inarticulate scream*), so I've got TONS and TONS of fics to catch up on. Y'know, cuz I didn't want to be spoiled when I was in the middle of seasons 4 or 5, even if Castiel was driving me NUTS with his awkward/adorable/sparkly potential. Any favorites you guys would like to recommend, those who have been part of the fandom? ....If that's all, I'll be making my way over to FicLand. CIAO.
(But, before I go: Revised Art To-Do List for reference)
-SPN fanart
-Game of Thrones fanart
-more Sherlock fanart
-Doctor Who fanart
-Merlin fanart
-Sherlock BigBang art