I have so much love for the Paradox series by
wordstrings . It comes with the warning:
Hi! I write mainly Sherlock/John here so far, and I tend to write very strange slash. Be warned that there is probably kink herein, much of it is smutty, and my personal BBC Sherlock is mad as a hatter.
And it is so very true. Wordstring's Sherlock is quite insane, but- and here's the clincher for why I am in love with her writing- you believe it. I followed the internal logic and dialogue without ever doubting that this was John, this was Sherlock. The stories are certainly disturbing at times, but, trust me, they are devastatingly brilliant. Treading the line between the heartrendingly tragic and the ridiculously funny with skill and adroitness, weaving in ACD's canon plot in a similar manner to the show, building a stunningly rich relationship between Sherlock and John...I don't know if I could have been any more satisfied. I wish I could give a better rec, but I can't; so, instead, I made fanart (click to enlarge):
[edit: for cross-eyed-ness. XD thanks to
ceirwy for the pointer. <3)
The teacup scene from
A Thousand Threads of What-Might-Have-Beens