Oh, hellz yeah

Feb 10, 2011 20:01

I'm pretty ecstatic about this :D I've always hated the original swimwear, but replacing it without messing up the underwear, turned out to be quite a challenge. I ended up using two sets. The first is a mesh originally by Modish Kitten, with sexy feet added by sixtylilies ( here). I then added a pregnancy morph. The recolors were made by pooklet and Alleliua.

The other mesh is a Maxis one, a seasons pre-order gift. But I got it here. The recolors I used are made by Kalynn and fanseelamb. This mesh doesn't have a preg morph..

Here's all of them:

Hope you're as excited as I am :D


female, adults, swimwear, requests, dloads: defaults: mesh replacement

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