So instead of working on ALA art like I should have been all night last night, I found myself en route to Royal/T in Culver City for Rococo Rendezvous. No idea what that was even going to be, but given my slim knowledge of Japan LA and Royal/T events, Lolita garb seemed appropriate. I tossed both possible outfits in the backseat of my car and drove off all within thirty minutes of hearing about the event to meet Anton there while he hosted interviews for Otaku Hour.
I spent the entire night sitting around confused as hell as to why I was there!! I'm not very Loli at all, besides how my face looks!! D:
Someone asked if I was fourteen. Lol @_@
I ended up taking a bunch of candid party pictures for the folks of Otaku Hour, since my own camera has long since died and I lost the charger.. *sigh*. They can be viewed on
OH's Myspace Galley.
For the most part I either followed Anton around, or sat and doodled some of the people I saw there. Since I'm not too good with socializing, I tend to use drawing as a hook instead. Indeed I did meet a few people that way!
I found an ADORABLE blue Kid Robot crop hoodie there, $52... I want it so bad, it's just as cute as the red/pink heart print one I saw the time I went with Adam, but I want this one more!! I'll see where my funds lie after I pay bills. I'm booked for Verizon with Central on Monday, and commercials are BOMB pay!!! Maybe I'll run by and pick it up then. *sigh* way way too cute....
At one point, this guy who had his face painted up like the pringles man took a picture with me and another girl, then went to show me how the picture turned out on his camera. I couldn't see too well since it was later in the night, so I went through my bag for my glasses. I couldn't find them.
I figured maybe I left them on the table when I was reorganizing things in my purse earlier. I didn't see them there, so I asked the young men sitting at the table if they had seen any glasses. One asked "Were you outside at all tonight..? I saw a pair on the sidewalk waaaay down the street about fourty-five minutes ago. Here, I'll show you!"
Because as a matter of fact, I did go outside. I walked with Anton to his car to drop some things off. He won a bag of stuff in a raffle.
So I walked down the street nearly all the way down to the corner with no luck. At this point, I was starting to think "I wonder if this guy is just a rapist..."
But no, on the way back, while he was apologizing and going "They must be gone, I swear I saw a pair around here, because I thought oh no, somebody lost their gla--WAIT, THERE THEY ARE"
Sure enough, my glasses are on the f'n side of the curb. That was so strange, especially since the guy was at the only place I would have directly asked if they had seen glasses. Craaazy.
So yeah here's doodles~