you've got a lot of brains stephen, but you're not a smart man

Nov 05, 2003 02:55

i'm watching the first episode of that show on abc where the father died, and it was a comedy, and now they are trying to add his death into the series and it just doesn't work. no, it makes things awkward and added in, and they put jokes here and there to keep it somewhat like the original show, and everything is just exactly what they tried not to make it, i bet. i've been sitting in my room all day and i hate days like this, i hate them because i get so much accomplished
except nothing at all because i don't go out of the house.
last night renee and i went shopping and we raided the cheap jewelry stores to get big gaudy hoops and plastic ridiculousness and i loved every minute of it♥
we couldn't go on without at least one purchase of big soft delicious mall pretzels and fruit smoothies, and girltalk, and we walked around feeling better than everyone because we were girls, and we were shopping, and that is the ultimate combination. and then i went home and sewed for her.
i have been skipping meals lately, eee this is not good, i know, but it feels good and i make up for it with my sugar intake. thisissomuchbetterformeimsure.
and there are ladybugs in my room, and when i say ladybugs i mean it is the most ridiculous amount, i did not know that the world created this many tiny red polka dotted creatures. they come around during the season of the pomegranate, i guess it is the season for small red round sweet things, and i find them waiting for me on my windowsills, the one i like to look out of, and i let them sit there because i know it is a great view and i don't want to be rude and take that away from them...they hang from my ceiling fan and walk around my carpet, and sometimes i will hear them fall behind my posters, and it makes me laugh because i can hear them from start to finish. some of these bugs have begun to discolor, and i am just too sad to look on a search engine for a website on goodladybug health, because i am sure i will be disappointed with the news.

i have heard stories of this neighborhood, the one on the hill. everything is so much different and
better up here. it overlooks louisville's skyline with it's great lights and everything else down there, the bridges, and it confuses the birds in the nighttime, you know the ones that chirp in the morning...they chirp all night long because they see the lights below the hill just lightly shining, like it is about to pop up over the hill and turn into a big bright ball of sun, but no, it stays there and doesn't move, because it is buildings and people, not the sun, but these birds don't know that and i would loooovve to tell them, but i just can't, because although i can speak other languages than english, birdtalk is just simply not one of them♥
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