last night was completely random.
i got to be the fat kid that couldn't run as fast as everyone else down front street. whatever. psh.
our slutty waitress at tk's so obviously was a bitch. so we gave her like..a two dollar fifty cent tip in quarters.
i now own a three dollar pair of crazy ass glasses from CVS. i wore a bowling shoe with no sock on. that was nasty. me and emily had the deepest conversation ever. it was really brendan leonard style. only with loser-ish laughs interspersed..because i can't NOT laugh when i'm trying to be serious.
Al got back from california on a plane this morning at like 7. is spending the day in Boston. is representing the red sox, EFFING WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS YES AMAZING, is actually going to be at the house tomorrow.
my french exchange student thing didn't work out so well.
she ended up requesting to swtich houses. hahah. eek. i still get nifty french exchange t-shirt though, and i still get to go to France. she was high maintenance anyway. who wants to have that kidn of person for a correspondant?
since this is my first time browsing LJ in like, 3 weeks, i saw this. and am stealing it.
1. Tell me one thing you love about me.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself.
3. Look through the comments ~ when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them.
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about YOU