Nov 11, 2005 15:37
here i am at copa. i've been here since about noon (it's almost 4 now) and i have a meeting with my tutor at 5.
minus the first hour spent wasting time on aim, uploading pictures and griping with a fellow madison student i've been looking up sources for my paper for my aids class - looking at the politics of harm reduction practices.
it should be a cool topic - it's one i don't know much about and will definitly challenge me with stereotypes and whatnot. and doing the research has been sweet cause its one of those topics where one website leads to another, score. i now have 24 articles saved to my computer to read (over the weekend, haha) to use as possible sources for this paper. suddenly 10 pages by december 12 doesn't seem so bad. [i am sure there will be much more griping as i actually start to work on the darn thing]
so that is the news for now. and i got a cool "yo tambien" pulserita [that's bracelet - my new vocab word of the day] that's like a livestrong bracelet and shows my support in the fight against aids. i also rented 2 videos (blockbuster is selling the bracelets) and spent A$10.50 on the whole thing. that's about US $3.
and now i can kill time on the internet until my meeting...score!