What is your favorite..gum:big red restaurant:saigon pho drink:coke season:fall type of weather:shady? emotion:love thing to do on a half day:play guitar late-night activity:talking outside my house sport:golf city:san antonio store:papa johns When was the last time you..cried:probably recently. im a pussy played a sport:9th grade VOLLEYBALL haha laughed:just now hugged someone:idk kissed someone:8th fucking grade felt depressed:just now felt elated:idk what that is felt overworked:every night at papa johns faked sick:haha never works lied:probably an hour ago. What was the last..word you said:bye thing you ate:pizza song you listened to:wonderwall thing you drank:water place you went to:jackies movie you saw:the day after tomorrow movie you rented:HELP concert you attended:haha 7th grade. a mettallica/ korn concert Who was the last person you..hugged:mom cried over:uhh. eliana a long tim ago. haha kissed:stefani sain 8th grade danced with:lauren shared a secret with:idk had a sleepover with:josh called:lindsey went to a movie with:josh and everyone else saw:andrew andy chris logan were angry with:myself couldn't take your eyes off of:every girl i have seen tonight have been extremely beautiful obsessed over:cassi Have you ever..danced in the rain:yeah kissed someone:once done drugs:yes drank alcohol:no slept around:haha i wish partied 'til the sun came up:nope had a movie marathon:yeah with josh all the beatles movies plus imagine gone too far on a dare:never spun until you were immensely dizzy:yes taken a survey quite like this before:NOOOOOO
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by