my new years was better than yours.

Jan 01, 2006 18:36


i never post them so enjoy bitches.

this was taken before midnight.

and it is the only one.

here we go.

and yes faggots i realize i have the same face in like every picture.

arguably the best picture of the night

thumbs up

i look bothered because i was

i have no recollection of this. seriously. or the girl with the tongue ring.

don't ask. we don't even know how or why she was there. homegirls probably a stripper.

yes that's me, and yes that's read medieval armor.

fletch looked pretty good in it too.

i was pretty skeptical about putting this on here because my ass looks busted. whatever you should see the rest of my body.

the end.

i hope you enjoyed these and they made your computer freeze! bahahahahhahahaaa
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