Feb 09, 2004 10:05
Well, I woke up the other morning with a text message from my sister saying something was wrong with my dog jake, and I needed to call mom. Well I've had jake since I was 7 years old so he means the world and more to me. So I called my mother and she said the vet had found some cancerous tumors and I started to cry. She also had said the vet had given her a choice, since they were small they could either operate or put him down. My mother refuses to let him go so she said to take the operation. So I went over to my moms and ate lunch with her, and I cried. But I was very tired so I went home and took a nap, then came back over to go pick up jake with her. He could barely breath from the tubes being down his throat, and he had a plastic cone around his neck, he looked so pathetic but so happy to see us. I know what you may think, that it's just a dog, but it's not just a dog to me. He's an amazing creature. Afterwards I came home and asked Alfie if I could get my games back and just go somewhere and talk. I was in a strange mood and very exhauseted so he just talked and I just nodded. He asked me to talk more but I have nothing to say really. What could I have said anyways? After we said our goodbyes I went home and watched "Rules of Attraction" and debated on if I should cut my hair like Shannyn Sossamons hair in that movie, it looks so cute and I'm still debating. Towards the end Jonathon called me asked me to come over so I left with my pjs on. I am also excited because my mother is letting me barrow a car adaptor so I can listen to cds in my car again, that means amelie soundtracks, and the best of Depeche mode! I think today I'm gonna cash my paycheck and go to the thrift stores and then perhaps do some laundry. GASP