I want to say that I make some damn good steak. I really do. Sure, I'm proud of myself, but you didn't try my steak.
Anyway... I'm not going to come back for my last year. I know that it may be a bad choice but I can't drag Nymphadora back to Hogwarts and have no interaction. Not to mention that Ted will miss her terribly. I have a good job, things are going very well for me. There are programs that I can attend if I ever decide to go through with becoming a Healer. So I think I'll be alright.
She likes to chew on things. I'm not sure what that is, Ted took the picture, but I'm sure it's something she shouldn't be trying to eat. She's a fan of this blue eyed look. And she made herself bald, right after this to get the bow out of her hair, little devil.
I request that everyone take a look in next week's Witch Weekly. We're doing a spread of new styles of dresses and I'm pretty sure that one of my designs is going to be worn!