Oct 05, 2007 20:00
All I need to do now is fill in my ECs, Awards, Personal Statement, and all the other stuff where you can explain shit.
I'll finish my State Applications on Sunday.
And I'm going to start my USC application tonight.
Here's my final list of schools that I'm applying to:
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
UC San Diego
UC Irvine
Sonoma State University
San Diego State University
University of Southern California
I'm taking the SAT tomorrow morning at San Fernando High School and I don't know where the fuck that is and I won't know anyone else there so I know it will be akward. I'm at home right now on this friday night just to study. Hopefully my scores will be waay higher than last time because the last time I took the SAT I had a hangover haha.
I am seriously counting down the days until I leave for Europe. 8 days! I can't wait to just get away and hang out with a whole bunch of people I don't know haha.
Okay, time to study more.
Good luck to everyone filling out apps.