i love life but life has a boyfriend

Nov 27, 2012 16:48

School is finally ending! Everyone's saying "oh the semester, oh it went by so so quickly, I can't believe it's almost over..." but I'm sitting here like "OMG IT WAS AN ETERNITY OF TORTURE" and then I get really excited because next week is the last week of classes and then finals week. Another way Suffolk > Stony Brook: Suffolk had in-class finals, whereas Stony Brook has them at random times during finals week. I'm going to have to make sure everything else in my life (work mainly) is scheduled around them. I mean, you get the same 1hr20min for the test as you would for any regular class...this just seems unnecessary.

Work has been CRAZY this weekend! I worked 8hrs on Thanksgiving, which is awesome because I got time and a half and didn't have to go to my dad's house. I was going to go to my aunt's after work, but after my 12-8 shift, I was too tired. I thought I would be cool about it because I didn't really have anywhere to go (I see my aunt a lot), but I was hearing so little English and it was just a little unpleasant. But once I get paid I'm going to make it rain! I worked another eight hours on Black Friday, and then nine on Saturday. It was exhausting, but it's going to be so worth it when I get my paycheck tomorrow!!

I also made my schedule for next semester. I'll have to make the drive out to Stony Brook four days a week, which I was trying to avoid. At Suffolk, I had very little trouble cramming all my classes into just two days, and it was probably half the travel time. I took four classes this semester, and I'm taking four next semester too, but I keep contemplating adding another. I don't know. I'm still kind of getting settled there, it probably won't be such a huge deal to go one more semester with only four classes, rather than five. I hope not.

Anyway, I'm taking Intro to the Solar System, Managerial Cost Analysis and Applications, Principles of Marketing, and French Composition. I've officially declared French as a minor, but I was starting to shy away when I saw how inconvenient the times were. But I think I'd like to study abroad one semester, so I'm not going to change it. I was thinking about changing it to history, which is of course really interesting to me, but I think I would get much more out of French education and I really enjoy French, so it seemed pretty obvious haha.

I'm dying to get into accounting again! It looks like I'm not going to be able to take it until next Fall because the next course I need in the sequence isn't offered in the spring! I'm really angry about that. There was a taxation course I tried to get into, but the prerequisite for it is a class I'm taking this semester! It's kind of really frustrating!! I'm afraid that I'll lose everything I learned at Suffolk by the time I get back into it at SB. I think I might actually apply myself during the winter break and read up on my old accounting notes and do some of the practice problems, especially since I'm not taking any winter classes.

I'm really angry because I figured out that with all the classes I have to take, it's going to be another 3 years at least at school! Unless I take tons and tons of summer and winter classes, which I might end up doing...

The reason I'm not this winter is because our trip to Disney conflicts, and I think Disney is more important haha! Everything's pretty much set for out trip, although I do have to give them a call. I had entered in the date wrong on our departure flight info (because Disney picks you up from and drops you off at the airport) so I called and had it fixed. But then the arrival flight disappeared? I thought I'd give it a day to process, but still nothing. But then it was Thanksgiving and the next three days I was at work all day so I didn't get a chance then, and then it was Sunday and now it's Tuesday and I still have to, but I probably will either tomorrow or Thursday, at the latest Friday. Right now I have to finish an essay so that when my mom comes home from work we can put up the Christmas tree!!!
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