tillbaka i sverige

Jan 08, 2008 17:33

I had forgotten how dark it gets here. It was dark during the whole class I had this morning and the sun set again at 3.30. But I did manage to catch a bus home while it was still light out. There's hardly any snow here but the little dusting there is on the plowed corn fields of black dirt made the whole way home look like an oreo milkshake from Denny's.

I'm still unpacking and I promised to reward myself at the end of the unpacking/laundry/homework load with learning a new song on my brand new ukulele!

Sorry I didn't get to see everyone over break. I actually am sad that I missed seeing some of you but I will be home for much longer than usual this summer so I really don't have an excuse not to see you.

I didn't make any resolutions this year since I'm relatively happy with the way I live my life. But any creative suggestions are welcome... Maybe I'll finally get around to learning sign language...
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