little birds!

Jun 28, 2008 21:39

So this isn't the most exciting entry ever, but I just made a big breakthrough with one of my resident rehab chicks and I figured I'd celebrate/waste some time by showing off my little flock to the internet! I went herping today too and found a male eastern box turtle, two eastern narrowmouth toads, a ton of green anoles, a broadheaded skink, and a green frog. It was a good day for all things wildlife.

Ignore the unorthodox grip I have this little guy in! This little mocking bird came in on my first day in the clinic. It was an "early fledge", as was quoted on his sheet that the person who found him filled out. They really should have just left it with the parents and it would have done fine!

It was a very attractive bird c:

Still begging.

I took this 5 minutes before it was successfully released.

Here is one of the 12 chimney swifts that all flowed in over a 2-day period. They're super loud, feisty little guys. Their numbers have dwindled down to 3 in the past week due to sickness. My sister went through and named all 12 on Monday, and I believe this one is "Digit". He came in as a naked little baby, and now he's feathered and days away from opening his eyes! It's so fun to watch them grow! c:

I've always loved those crazy swift tails!

These babies have in iron grip! They nest high up, usually right on a vertical surface, so the young need this ability to keep from falling to their death. It makes cleaning their enclosure a project, because you have to manually release each bird from whichever surface they are clinging to.

Ohhhh I'm getting way to emotionally invested in this little killdeer. I was having a shitty day, and came back from lunch to find this little one that someone brought in. Killdeer, like ducks, are precocial and hatch with eyes open and the ability to walk and feed themselves. As such, they are frequently found by people and thought to be orphaned chicks :c I'm guessing that's what happened with this one. It looked like crap when it came in.

And now it looks like this!

Camera shy

Today it took its first drink of water, which is a huge breakthrough, because up until now it wasn't eating. I tossed some tubifex worms in its water for it to eat tomorrow morning.

And now I'm going to go read. Goodnight everyone!

work, herping, wildlife rehab

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