Mar 05, 2008 15:00
The last couple of weeks have been STRESSFUL. Terribly stressful. The workload hasn't even been that bad, honestly. I don't know why I've been so stressed out. The other day I had one of my meltdowns, and Andrew was kind enough to help me over the phone. It was over something really petty like a webpage for calculus tutoring not working with my computer or something like that. Everything worked out in the end, but I came to the conclusion that I REALLY need a break. Spring break is next week, and I had plans on going to Winter Park, FL with the rowing team for a week of intense training, but I think I seriously need to chill out at home. My rowing buds were so sweet about it, too.
Also, the other day I stretched my right lobe up to 9/16" and all was well. The glass plug didn't even hurt going in, which is a fantastic sign that they were ready to stretch. However, over the next couple of days the lobe became throbby and excessively swollen. Whhhhyyyy?! Glass is always so good with my ears! I took it out and taped up an old 0g plug to 1/2" size and popped it in. My lobe keeps swelling and being hurty. It's so swollen right now, that it is eclipsing the o rings on the plugs and blowing out both sides. This is just so bizarre. My body is having a fit over it too. The lymph node behind my ear is like a marble! OW! This morning is wasn't as bad, but yesterday was terrible. My neck was so sore :c I have no clue what is going on with my ears, but I hope it works itself out soon. I'm going with the keep-it-clean-and-don't-touch-it method. I haven't popped the plug out today to inspect the discharge. Maybe the hands off approach is all it really needs to calm down. I've noticed my ears becoming increasingly sensitive recently. It's so strange, because three years ago I could douse them in concentrated tea tree and jojoba oils and they wouldn't do anything, but now they swell and lymph at the drop of a hat! What a pain in the ass.
I'm going through my annual Lord of the Rings fix right now. It couldn't have come at a better time really, as the movies and books totally chill me out better than anything ever. I've developed this routine where I steep myself a liter of tea and snuggle up in bed with my Tolkien companion and just read and read until I fall asleep. I'm seriously going to build a hobbit hole in my yard when I get a house. This is a lifelong dream that must be fulfilled! Also, apparently if I was a hobbit, my name would be Orangeblossom Brambleburr of Bindbale Wood.
I need to study for calculus. :c Ember is hopping around me on the bed like a little songbird! Cute cute animal.
OH. I got advised today and I will finally be taking only classes pertaining to my major! I really want to take mammalogy in the fall, since it is only offered for that term. They say you have to do a collection project for that class and one of the things you can do is a skull collection. Bingbingbing! I AM IN THAT CLASS! Also, I discovered that I can take an invertebrate zoology course. UM. YES. This was the best advising appointment in my LIFE! Hopefully I will get into conservation genetics too! I'm so glad I abandoned art majoring for this. Gosh I love this stuff. I LOVE SCHOOL. I am going to nap now before my stat lab.
lord of the rings