I realized I had been promising an art dump for a while now! It's been SO long! So I went through my sketchbooks to find things to scan and I could only find 15 things. 15. Fifteen. Yes, that is how hectic my summer has been. Since the conclusion of the school year (in May) until now, I have only made 15 things. SAD. No wonder my brain is about to explode-backed up ideas all jumbling around and making me crazy! So here are some little tidbits for all you totally awesome people who have helped me get through this insane summer with your gorgeous art. THANK YOU. Seriously, you guys did me a whole world of amazing by uploading all your art to the internet. It was such a welcome escape for me! c:
My little scorpion, Lady Grey. I lost her this summer, but I buried her in my garden and I'm pretty convinced it was her that made that BIIIIIG yellow squash grow on the plant closest to her!
Humpyhumpyhumpy flying through the skyyyyyyy.
Hey fatty, put that cucumber down D:
To chemistry 1212...thanks, but no thanks.
Have a lava dragon and Raito.
Done for Andrew, who for some reason is CRAZY about these little guys. They are pretty cool though.
I REALLY want to do something more with this idea after I fix up the inking job that is so half-assed.
I did this on the plane ride back from the UP of MI. It's supposed to be a three headed veggie deer, but as always, my sketch is so cryptic and sloppy.
Helloooo there you fat old forest god!
Uh. Mmm. ..
Human Owl. I....still suck horribly at people :c
And a thanks in advance to the folks who are SO awesome as to comment on these silly posts I make! I will probably be very late in responding to you all as I will be leaving for Ireland today! I'll make a huge picture post when I get back! Oh my gosh guys....I've never been off the continent before EVER. I am excited beyond belief! See you all in a couple weeks! c: