what a day.

Sep 15, 2005 21:15

so ok. where was i. o yes. the day at bootlegger. well anyways. i work with this guy that everyone thinks is totally gay (jared) and i mean sure he looks it and is a little fem-bot-ish. but he's totally not. he has a girlfriend. but everyone picks on him as if he were and that thats a bad thing. its not. dammit.
i was watching a few minutes of much music and that devon soltendiek or whatever blonde kid was totally ranting about how matt babel gets all the shows and that they might as well change the name of much to babeltv. i think, kudos to him. if he's getting screwed because some other rookie is getting all the good stuff, he should use his airtime to create awarness of this atrocity. * cant even remember how to spell that *
the video for mcr's 'ghost of you' makes me cry. found that out AGAIN today. i swear to god im going through menopause, hot flashes, and now i cry a lot.
my angel took me to my dads house yesterday. he's selling it so i had to get the rest of my shit out of there. turns out there's a lot of stuff i forgot i had. and that means a lot to me. but i cant keep it. i have never been the type of person to get attached to material possessions 1) because as a child, and even now, i lose EVERYTIHNG 2) we moved so much it was a pain to have to pack and unpack. so seeing all this stuff is really tearing at my heartstrings to have to get rid of it. but thats the way it has to be. but i cant even start going through anything til mike wakes up, i make a lot of noise and he's only in the next room.
im sorry if you we're late today. i just hate seeing you leave.
i talked to sarah today. geez. havent talked to her since before we gradded. she's happy for us. in fact. she thinks we're perfect for eachother!!!
lisa (one of my roommates) is a barrel racer and needs to buy a new truck to tow her horses. now most of you dont know this. but my favorite truck is the 2004-5 dodge ram 1500 crew cab w/extended box. now, lisa is looking into buying one. so for the past two days, she's brought home 2 new trucks, taken me for spins and asking me if i like them. now im thinking, you lucky f*cking SOB. but, im trying to keep my jealousy at bay!
cant wait til tomorow. i see you and primas hopefully will rock. graham wants to dance w/us again. and riley im sure will be handing out lap dances again! isnt mark, like the coolest guy ever!!! i know!
(one ended conversations are a little wierd)
im hungry. my room is inexplicable. there's no one concious here. i miss you. and i still need to phone natalie to see about thursday and friday. shit.
much love y'all.
(i love you sweetie, and there was no 'tucking in'!!)
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