BlackCherry030: oo wait in one of my pictures u left a comment saying i looked like michangelo cherub
BlackCherry030: well i hope to god my cheeks arent that fat
BlackCherry030: and i aint see no wings in me
BlackCherry030: or on me whateva
BlackCherry030: what a fat fucking baby!
BlackCherry030: ughh and its hair is a mess has it heard of a brush
BlackCherry030: stupid baby
BlackCherry030: how dare u
BlackCherry030: u cant honesly say i look like that fat thing now can u?
BlackCherry030: because u call me a FAT BABY!
BlackCherry030: that isnt funny
BlackCherry030: its rude
BlackCherry030: baby=fat and gross and they poop everywhere
BlackCherry030: and plus an angel baby
BlackCherry030: even worse
BlackCherry030: HAHA omg i am meeting michael moore tomorrow how weird.
BlackCherry030: he is doign this this where i live for young video production or osmething and i get to meet him, well i dunno if its this week he comes or next
Vesper GBI: omg really
Vesper GBI: dont let that man screw with your head!!
Vesper GBI: he will try
BlackCherry030: hah i wont
BlackCherry030: or will i....
BlackCherry030: i am a fat angel easily provoke to the other side
Vesper GBI: thats more what i meant
Vesper GBI: it really is a compliment, i swear lol
BlackCherry030: so ur saying i look like a reallly bad sketch of a woman
BlackCherry030: great....thanks........
BlackCherry030: now i feel delightful
BlackCherry030: those are not pleasing angels
Vesper GBI: that is by leonardo da vinci!
Vesper GBI: and they arent women lol
Vesper GBI: they are angels
Vesper GBI: angels dont have a sex
BlackCherry030: leonardao shitty
BlackCherry030: aint no good
BlackCherry030: if angels dont have sex then why are they men?
BlackCherry030: women come first
BlackCherry030: cause they make the things
BlackCherry030: the fat angel babies