Feb 11, 2008 15:59
The "new" pointe shoes that I've had for about a month and a half now may be dead already. Seriously? It's not like I'm 15 all over again and dancing shoes to death in a matter of weeks. I only have about 3 hours of pointe per week, tops. I'm going to have to create a special "Shoe Budget" if I start going through shoes fast again. It's not like I can rely on Mom & Dad to buy them for me like I did when I was younger. While I love being an adult dancer, sometimes the other adult responsibilities (the financial ones) that come with it are frustrating. Nevertheless, I am not going to give up my expensive hobby; I love ballet too much.
I really have to hand it to my parents, though, because when I was young the financial impact of a pre-pro school (and all the pointe shoes that go along with it) was completely foreign to me. I'm so thankful that I never had to worry about needing new shoes, or not being able to afford a class. I was always a good student then, but I feel now as an adult ballet is taking on a deeper meaning for me since I am financing it personally. Every class is important and not to be wasted, not only because of the desire to improve, but because I want my money's worth.
Of course, I wish I could take even more classes, but I think I'd need a raise first.