Jul 18, 2006 00:45
Adventure kids is out of their minds. I enjoy doing murals but with no air conditioning and a creepy homeless guy watching me made the job become not cool. Im underpaid for sure.
we move into our new home in week. I cant wait. I need this move and the space.
this summer has been so crazy. between working at the school, bode, and doing murals and face painting i've run myself thin on time and patience and emotional sanity.
I answered back to greg f. and let him know that I would be interested in hanging out. Im not looking for anything with him though. I think its cause I've decided to have a crush on Greg P. (how strange) He intrigues me. He's quiet natured and mysterious to me. I wish I was mysterious. Sometimes I feel like there is nothing to me to find out. But then I feel that some of it is just too guarded to share. I just put a gregarious front on it. but I dont think he could like me. Im too...out there. but its okay, it would be nice to like someone from afar for a while. Like I did in high school. The anticpation and curiosity can be spell binding. Wondering what could happen and making wonderful and perfectly scripted scenes in your head. Does anyone do that for me?
My Goma is the best though. When I told her about the breakup she supported it and said that I should persue my career now while I had the chance. Find something that I love to do. I thought it was so nice and wonderfull to hear that. It seems strange that my Goma would encourage and support my desires to not settle down and instead focus on my job goals. I feel like Im doing the right thing though. Im going on the right path for my life.
i need a partner in life. someone who will want to grow with me. someone as driven as me. actually i need someone with more motivation. someone i can pace myself with. greg p. seems like some one i could do that with. it dosent have to be real, just in my head. a silent compettion. I remember when he commplemented my cd project. It was so surprising and gratifying to have some one whom i respected as well say something about my work. maybe he could like me. i would like that. maybe a mutual respect. and I could fantisize about a mutual attraction. that would be fun. the uncertainty and fear. I like crushes. there are no bounds and no hurt feelings, just hope.