Mar 05, 2006 15:34
So Ive negleted this page for far toooooooo long.
Gosh I dont know what to say.
This semester has been going a lot better than last. I was pretty dead after last semester. Im really enjoying Publication Design. I've found it to be alot of fun! right now Im working on a CD project for Ennio Morricone. Hes the guy who did the classic western sound Aya Aya Ahhhh. WA WA WA. Watch the good the bad and the ugly. Its great! Any way this guy's music is really fun and Im having lots of fun with the Cd. Im going to get to finaly use my woodburner for a project, which makes me really excited. When I get the project done maybe Ill post it on here!
me and jeremy are good. our one year is in a few days! It seems strange that its only a one year mark. It feels like it should be a bigger deal to me but at the same time it just seems natural that Im with him. Its like - of course, its an aniversairy, but why wouldnt we have one? we are always together and always will be. I dont know its strange. but we should have fun. We have a bottle of JONES soda that we got on our six month that we saved to drink on our one year.
Im am activly loosing weight again. Im so sad that I gained so much back. But I kept it off for 3 years though. It was just so strange how quickly I gained (one semester) and it sucks that its going to take me prolly longer to get my self back to my ideal weight. Oh well. is good. every one is safe and sound. Life is very uneventful right now.
Ive got a new ritual with the girls now - Friday breakfast dinner! Its lots of fun getting to sit and chat with my friends. I hate not living with them. It makes me feel so removed. But things are much better and I get to see them more now!
Oh and my job. My new job as a student designer! Its way cool and seems pretty easy right now. I work there during the week and here at the lab on the weekends. Im going to be making lots of money now! hehe.
any way Im tired and I want my shift to be over so I can go work on other things. ta ta!