shitty mood cos my terribly ancient phone's DYING on me, my msgs aren't getting through, i gotta be up early and it feels like there're a hell lotta stuff to do (i honestly don't know why i'm feeling this anal) aaand MY DAD'S OFFICIALLY MOVED INTO MY ROOM. of all rooms/beds, mine has the best fengshui for him. god knows he's pissing me off these days, what with cleaning out my table and clothes and going through my stuff. like HELLO MY ROOM= MY COMFORT ZONE. the bags and clothes on the floor are where they belong! now i can't find my stuff, i can't walk into my room half-naked or as and when i want to and i can't see the sky from where this bed's from ):
oh. and i think my period's coming. #(*$^@ &( and i can't even scream cos i'll just end up in a coughing fit. hmph.
btw ky if you're reading this, hello! thursday lololol.