4PLUS1! ):
i'm sososososo sorry about today ): reallyreally. i mean.. all the effort for the dinner.. and :( damn depressing. it always clashes thats why ): and omgszzxzx. the presents + cards = :'(
FO NOT HERE YET DON'T MAKE ME CRYYYY. sigh, i really hope i can meet you guys next time round....
SIP report was the ultimate, most last minute screwed-up project, ever. i wanted to cryyy uh, but its done so end of story! (1 down for the week, 4 more to go) tytyty lou for printing:D i'm gonna camp in school for the rest of the week.
bizshield. new vocab words: chokeslam. po mata. no.8. r___y.... & all that jazz.
jengan tensionnnn. not to mention, downright immature. & mygoodnesssss, paniccc for capball weds!
oh, and i suck as VMS. note to self: BRING FIRST AID BOX + PLASTERS.
& oh, most importantly, ANYONE WANT TO BE SECURITY FOR 7,8,9?
seal points maaay be given hahaha. (I'LL PAY YOU)
payment mode subject to person in question hehehe.
and omg SP if its true. STAB. SELF. ): i'll accept it la.