the gibbering begins!

Jan 06, 2005 08:00

I started this magical adventure here so everyone can check for updates without needing to e-mail me with basically "are you alive?" messages. Not that I want to be a hermit and not talk to anybody, but since my laptop pc died a horrible death shortly after being paid off nearly a year ago, I suck even more at internet correspondence than ever before. Sprite and I are still paying one of my credit cards down (the one that has the high enough limit) to buy a desktop pc. Until then, I must rely upon the limited resources of the the Caserma Ederle library for net access (30 minutes time limit). This is compounded by my retarded training schedule that the 173d Airborne Brigade insists on i.e. train in Germany for 30-40 days, come home for 10-14, then go back out.
SO, as one can see, I have my reasons for not being the easiest man to reach. Also, currently, I am attending Ranger School. As of today, I have one more phase to knock out. Pray to the gods that I still have my head in the game enough not to recycle it. AS it stands, should I succeed in my quest, I graduate the school Jan 28th and I will finally possess the coveted Ranger Tab - a .69 cent piece of cloth that shows the world that I really am a Billy Bad@ss worthy of being bestowed a leadership rank and position and that I can now handle any situation regardless of the odds, and that I actually have an opinion and that said opinion is actually worth listening to, and that furthermore, based upon my word as a man and more importantly as a Ranger, that I am never in the wrong no matter what may happen short of a DUI or pissing hot on a piss test. It also means I can stop getting asked (since I have a 3rd Ranger Battalion combat patch on my other shoulder) "if you used to be in the Rangers, why don't you have your tab?"
This is the Army equivalent of when some jock asks a freak "why are you a Goth?" which can basically be translated to "quick, explain your entire existence in 30 seconds or less" or "quick, explain your entire career and everything that has ever happened in it in 30 seconds or less." Some soldiers who have less the 3 years in the Army can do this. I am not one of them.
Anyhow, I do like living in Italy, and I'd like living in Italy even more if I wasn't spending all my damn time training in the woods in Germany. This isn't the type of thing I'd like to be doing in Germany. I missed Oktoberfest because I was in the field. I was not amused. The other drawback is my quest of amassing weapons and ammo for the coming zombie apocalypse has come to screeching halt due to an inability to own or collect firearms or anything more threatening than a pocket knife in Italy, or any part of Europe for that matter. Once again, I am not amused. Ironic that some of the finest firearms, both modern and black powder, are made in Italy, and I can't own even one.
So, do I hate life right now? No. I have two wonderful cats. Lydia and Longare. I am married to a wonderful woman; Sprite. I am living in Europe. My life requires a little readjustment at the moment however. If only I can find some freaks in Italy, we'll be cooking with napalm. As it is, I've seen about two fellow tribesmen and not even a damn cemetery in the whole country. I get the feeling that Italy doesn't have the kind of dark streak to it that England or Germany have. I know, that was so Goth for a second, but, I mean come on people! What do they do with their dead people!? Soylent Green?
So that's the first update of my life as it stands. Further bulletins as events warrant.
-Tyr's Gunslinger and zombie hunter
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