May 23, 2008 15:15
LMAO! You can all blame this update on Cykotica. She left me a comment, which prompted an email to say.. UPDATE FOR FUCKS SAKE! So here it is...
Tomorrow I will turn 30. And much to everyones surprise I am niether dreading it or depressed about it or any of the other things people have been telling me they were when they turned 30. It is just another year, another number and I am still who I am. I have had a lot of ups and downs the last few months, and none of which I really care to get into right now.. some things I have dealt with.. others I have not and dont want to before my bday, because I wish to enjoy the weekend with my friends and family.
On the other hand I got myself a tattoo for my bday last night. I now am sporting an Elven rune on the back of my neck done in rainbows. If there was any questioning about my sexuality.. for anyone in the know.. that should answer it. I will post pictures once I have them uploaded to photobucket. If any of you have myspace however, they are already posted.
School... I dropped all of my classes this last semester. I was on overload and just couldnt drag myself through it. I have also decided to take the fall semester off and will resume in the Winter, with only one or two classes instead of a full load. The lack of school work has not made my schedule any less busy however. I still feel like I am running full tilt with no energy in reserve.
Thats about it for this update, since Im at work and only have 20 mins before I leave and still have stuff to finish.
oh and PS.. for those who hadnt heard yet.. yes I chopped off all of my hair and it is now quite short and spikey.. and after this afternoon will be blonde with hilights again!