Remember that merino/tussah fairy hair I was spinning at the beginning of the month? Well, after 3 weeks of spinning and another 12 hours of navajo-plying, it's done!!! I present to you, 450 yds of light fingering weight, N-plied and finished:
In other news, I'm writing a pattern for a lacy throw blanket, inspired by a shawl I saw on Ravelry. The full pattern is written - I'm just test-knitting it on my own before I pass it on to other knitters to try out. This is the first time I wrote the pattern before making the project, but I think it's going well. I had to do some swatching before I started to get the lace patterns right (and I'm glad I did, because I had to make several changes to the charts and written instructions before I cast-on for the actual blanket) but it's going really well. First progress pic:
Let me know if you're interested in test-knitting this blanket when I'm done. I should be finished correcting the pattern by next weekend.